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M. Picard, J. Von Eggars, K.A. Brasell, Y. Dongna, J. Klaminder, I.G. Alsos, C. Barouillet,
Y. Cheng, G.P. Huston, R. Dommain, K. Dulias, L. Duxbury, M.E. Edwards, S.G. Pastor,
D. Harning, S. Hudson, S. Kanar, L. Kurte, M. Leunda, L. Lopez, B. Moguel, F. Olajos,
A. Reveret, V. Perez, D. Rijal, J. Rydberg, C. Schwörer, K.R. Stoof-Leichsenring, Z.E.
Taranu, G. Thomson-Laing, A. Thorpe, R. Tiedermann, L.V. Nogales, Y. Wang, S. Wood,
and E. Capo. (2024). Using DNA archived in lake sediments to reconstruct past
ecosystems. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences.
G.P. Huston, M.L.D. Lopez, Y. Cheng, L. King, L.C. Duxbury, M. Picard, J. Thomson-
Laing, E. Myler, C.C. Helbing, M.T. Kinnison, J.E. Saros, I. Gregory-Eaves, M.E.
Monchamp, S.A. Wood, L. Armbrecht, G.F. Ficetola, L. Kurte, J. Von Eggers, J. Brahney,
G.J. Parent, M.K. Sakata, H. Doi, and E. Capo. (2023). Detection of fish sedimentary
DNA in aquatic systems: A review of methodological challenges and future opportunities.
Environmental DNA, 5, 1449-1472.
Govindarajan, A., Cooney, L., Whittaker, K., Siuda, A., Huston, G.P., Freyer, H., ... Eriksson,
F.A.A., (2019). The distribution and mitochondrial genotype of the hydroid Aglaophenia
latecarinata is correlated with its pelagic Sargassum substrate type in the tropical and
substropical western Atlantic Ocean. PeerJ, 10. doi: 10.7717/peerj.7814
Martin, L.M., Taylor, M., Huston, G.P., Goodwin, D.S., Schell, J.M., & Siuda, A.N.S.,
(2021). Pelagic Sargassum morphotypes support different rafting motile epifauna
communities. Marine Biology, 168(115). doi: 10.1007/s00227-021-03910-2​
Manuscripts in Review
J.E. Saros, V. Hazukova, R.M. Northington, G.P. Huston, A.N. Lamb, A. Gavin, S. Birkel, R.
Pereira and S. McGowan. Compound climate extremes in a shoulder season altered
hydrologic connectivity and abruptly transformed Arctic lakes of West Greenland. Article
submitted to Science Advances.
Manuscripts in Prep
G.P. Huston, J.E. Saros, K. Wilson, I. Gregory-Eaves, A. Rominger, and M.T. Kinnison.
Within-lake spatial variation in fish sedimentary DNA concentrations. Article in
preparation, to be submitted to Molecular Ecology
Grey, E., Huston, G.P., et al. Characterizing biogeographic patterns along the Emperor Seamount Chain with environmental DNA. Article in preparation, to be submitted to Environmental DNA
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